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About North Bay

Mission Statement

We are a community of responsible, life-long  learners, respectful of each other, the world, and ourselves.

Guiding Beliefs

  • Every child is important
  • Learning to understand ourselves, get along with others, and appreciate diversity is an important part of education.
  • Parents, teachers, and children play a cooperative role in student learning.
  • Our school provides an inviting atmosphere for learning and growing. Individuals who are nurtured through positive learning experiences develop self-esteem and confidence.
  • All children are encouraged to work toward their highest potential. Learning occurs most easily when minds are open and when methods and schedules are flexible.
  • Children can learn to solve most of their own problems and are accountable for the consequences of their own behavior and decisions.
  • North Bay students and staff are dedicated to life-long physical, social, and academic well being.

School Profile

North Bay Elementary is a Kindergarten through fifth grade Elementary School located in North Bend Oregon just north of the North Bend bridge. North Bay serves approximately 470 students with four classes of each grade. In addition to these classrooms, North Bay has a Resource Room classroom, a Life Skills classroom, a Title I reading classroom, a music room, a gymnasium, a multipurpose room, and a large library. The North Bay staff consists of licensed staff, an administrator, educational assistants, in-building substitute teachers, secretaries, custodians, food service staff, a librarian, a nurse, and a health room aid.

Houghton Mifflin is the currently adopted reading curriculum and has been our choice for many years. Go Math is the currently adopted math curriculum and includes a variety of online components. Additional programs are used to supplement core instruction in reading. Accelerated Reader is used beginning in 1st grade and continuing through fifth grade. The Waterford Early Literacy program is used for all kindergarten, first grade, and select second grade students. SuccessMaker is used with all third through fifth grade students. The SMART Reading Program is available for K-3 students. Additional support materials are incorporated throughout the curriculum. In recent years the North Bend School District has implemented an incredible Social Emotional Learning program; Character Strong. The Title I program at North Bay provides additional support to every classroom through a variety of activities. Title I staff coordinate reading groups in all first through third grade classrooms.

In the fall of 2020 North Bay Elementary welcomed a new school-based health center. Waterfall's School Based Health Center offers both medical care and counseling services.

To determine which North Bend School District Elementary School your child will attend please view the map below. Students who live in the yellow highlighted area will attend North Bay while students who live in the blue highlighted area will attend Hillcrest Elementary.